Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MIT on TV??

A couple weeks ago, the team was contacted by the discovery channel on a show called Time Warp. Apparently it is hosted by an MIT professor and the slo-mo photographer lives near Boston. They were interested in the MIT team because of the connections with the host.

Anyway, after some emails back and forth, they came out to watch a practice today and to talk to the kids a little about ultimate. I got there late and the production people had already left, so no clue as to how it will go down. Anyway, we are going to film on May 22nd all day. I think they are just going to film slow motion throws, layouts, point blocks, and people catching.

It should be fun. I hope it promotes the sport in a positive light and works as a recruiting tool for the team.

More details to follow as I know more.


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